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Here is the best opportunity to join as Customer Service Associate Remote Jobs at amazon.
What is Customer Service Associate Job?
- This is a work-from-home / Remote job. Customer Service Associates use a variety of tools to navigate, research, & review solutions, & communicate effectively with customers try to solve their doubts or problems in eCommerce orders.
Work from home with Amazon Customer Service.
- Post/Role: Customer Service Associate
- Job Type: full-time / part-time
- Location: Work from home in (Hyderabad), Telangana /AP.
Qualifications for CSA work from home jobs:-
- Minimum age: 18 years old
- Have the right to work in India
- Strong communication skills in English (both written and oral fluency)
- Experience working with a computer
- The availability to work varying shifts from Monday to Sunday within the operating hours of 6 am & 11 pm
- Willingness and ability to work in rotating shifts;-
- (i.e. early, late, overnight, weekend, & overtime as required)
- You’ll need a quiet, distraction free work space (dedicated office space with a desk & chair)
- From a technical perspective, a minimum broadband connection of 20MB download speed & 8MP upload speed using a hard-wire ethernet internet connection (no WIFI).
How to apply for amazon work from jobs?
- Click here to apply online
- దరఖాస్తు చేయడానికి ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి.
- amazon Customer Service Associate Remote Jobs,
- Official Website.
Click on the apply button. Agree the terms & conditions check box. Login with your amazon account.
amazon jobs work from home part time
Benefits of amazon Customer Service Associate Remote Jobs?
- Handsome Package.
- Updated Training
- Provided with a complete equipment package
- Laptop
- Medical insurance
- Pension plan
- Internet allowance
- Lifestyle benefits and retail discounts through our Amazon Extras program
- Expert training & ongoing opportunities to learn more & develop your skills
CSA work from home timings:-
- It requires working variable hours to match when customers need.
- You will work overnight/day/late shifts & your work week is minimum 40 hrs,
- for example: 4x10hrs or 5x8hrs.
- As per customer demand
- There are different shift patterns within the operating hours of 6 am & 11 pm Sunday to Monday.
- You will be ready to work national holidays.
amazon jobs work from home part time
For update & Authentic info visit the official webportal.
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